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Results for "main_practice: "Kindness", latest_content: 1"
The Lost Package A story about how kindness and empathy help a package reach its destination at long last.
This Way, Charlie A nuanced story about a friendship tested by life's storms.
Random Acts of Kindness A delightful book that puts some snap, crackle, and pop into your acts of kindness.
Kindness, Clarity, and Insight A new edition of the first book of teachings by the Dalai Lama in the English-speaking world and one that is foundational to His Holiness's message.
How Can I Help? Ram Dass and Paul Gorman on the experience of helping and caring for each other.
Stories of Awe and Abundance Jose Hobday telling the story of Joseph -- a Berkeley resident who reached out to one and all to provide a bit of good news.
Work as a Spiritual Practice A teaching story about Right Speech.
Cosmos and Hearth Yi-Fu Tuan on a Confucian view of human behavior and relationships.
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox, and the Horse Tender and timeless wisdom accompanied by poignantly beautiful ink and watercolor illustrations.
William's Getaway An appealing story for cooped-up children about an older boy's change of heart toward his tag-along little brother.